Friday, December 23, 2011

Captoe Heel Love with Sparkles

I was out finishing up my Christmas shopping tonight and was constantly being drawn into every shoe shop with their big 50% and SALE signs beckoning me in. 

Remember when I did a Top Five Tuesday post on Cap Toe Shoe Love? 

Well look at what I found tonight from Freelance shoes! Sparkly goodness!

$199.00 from Freelance Shoes.

So many shoes. So little time. So little money. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I won! I won! I won! I won!

Yep! I won a pair of these babies! 

Check out these gorgeous shoes here

For reasons that will be revealed in an upcoming post - possibly in mid January - I am now convinced that all Kosheen shoes have quests stitched into their lining. 

And while it might seem fairly straight forward that I won them #twitter tells me that these shoes have a plan for me. 

Almost like the quest the Kosheen Blue's had.

Almost...but not quite. ;)

Sooooo excited! Can't wait until their box arrives! Hope they get delivered before I leave on holidays!

Speaking of new shoes. I am also expecting a delivery in the next couple of days. 

A little while ago I won a  $50 Groupon voucher from a competition on Chasing Cait's blog and I waited until just the right deal popped into my inbox. 

Well at just after midnight the other night it did. 

The Iconic voucher for $19 for $50 of items. 

So I bought 3 vouchers, paid an extra $7 for $150 worth of goodness! And then bought some as gifts. Thank you Caitlin! Seriously, check out her blog. She brought to my attention the real life fabulousness of the Wittner Amber's in Turquoise & inspired the post I've got the Tiffany Blues, Shellac & how to be confident with colour blocking. 

I've got some Therapy Jagger wedges coming my way in the next few days. Hurrah!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I graduated today!

Yup. After 3.5 years of  reading inclusive education articles in the bathroom, aeroplanes, hairdressing salons, in school staffrooms, in bed at night, lying in a fetal position on the floor surrounded by scrunched up tissues and occasionally at my dining room table - I was finally awarded my Masters of Education ( Inclusive Education ) today!


I'm not going to bore you with the details of the ceremony. If you've been to one graduation you've been to them all and sadly unless someone gets the urge to fulfill a nudie dare it's just a lot of polite clapping and looking at watches. 

So what shoes did I wear ? 

Two pairs of shoes actually. 

Keeping the tradition alive of wearing blue shoes to graduation ceremonies I wore my gorgeous Blue Peeptoes for most of the before photos. And since my hood was red and green I wore my Little Reds ( Steve Maddens ) for the walking across the stage part. There are photos of both. I expect you're not in the least bit surprised. ;)

Overall it was a great day - I got to hang out and roadtrip a bit with my Dad and actually take a moment to be proud of the fact I've finished a Masters degree with reasonable results despite the fact I was suffering with undiagnosed migraines pretty much the whole time. 

And now I'm so tired I can barely see straight - so it's time for sleep. 

Goodnight sweet shoe dreams all. 
Holding up the tradition in Blue Miss Soho's ( PeepToe Shoes )

Me in Little Reds ( Steve Madden Pypers )

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weekend Adventure - Part Two - Quest Complete!

Over the course of the past twelve weeks I have slowly built up a rapport with a number of really lovely girls/women/chickies/gals/insert your preferred female equivalent word [here]  who were also doing 12WBT. 

Of course a lot of the talk started off around shoes and what we were doing on the program but then as things do there was a lot of unconditional support and encouragement that was given very quickly and unreservedly when I allowed myself to post a more transparent 140 character snippet of my thought life. 

In a lot of ways I'm used to that from my family, close friends &  Christian sisters ( and brothers ) in my real world but to also have it from these virtual strangers on Twitter and also in a Facebook group that had been seeded from the forums - it humbled & also made me smile every time I thought about it. 

Another unexpected value was the fact that some of these twitter friends or who were acquaintences who I corresponded with on Twitter became people I would consider real life friends or on-our-way to becoming real life friends. Part of it is because we have experienced this thing together - not necesarily at the same time - but also because sometimes you have no choice but to be real when you only have a limited amount of characters to do so. There is no space to be passive aggressive or enigmatic - you'll just get ignored. ;)

So a lot of the #shoelove talk began on Twitter about the Finale party and what shoes everyone was wearing. Of course I was Mrs Mangel interested and wanted everyone to wear the shoes that I couldn't wear myself - it didn't matter if they didn't end up wearing them. I just wanted them to "Oooh" and "Ahhh" over them like I did. #weird #yup

I love this #twitterfam shot I was included in. And we seem to all have fabulous taste in shoes ;)  

So now the tale you've all been waiting for. When RMK Jac met Blue Kosheens

I'll let Blue Kosheen's tell you their story. After all it's what they do best ;)

"As you know I chose Vikki after reading her tweets and got the company to follower her so that she would find me, like I knew she would. I didn't quite expect her to take as long as she did to buy me but I'm not a shoe for just anyone. I'm an old fashioned type of shoe despite my Brazilian flirtatiousness - one must go on a series of quests when I am in their life. 

Vikki had to go on such one to find me all the way in Western Australia, to find the correct size and to learn how to walk in me up and down stairs. I'm not quite sure we've mastered that yet just between you and me.....

One would think that quests would be over once the purchase was made -  but no. I had something lined up for her Finale Party night to make things that little more intriguing. 

She had a particular #twitterbuddy who had heard the call and on her feet that night were going to be the amazingly striking RMK Jac. Shoes to be "Oooh" and "Ahhh'"ed over. Which is what Vikki did. And that gave me the idea that Jac and I needed to meet at the party. 

The quest was set. Vikki and Lizzy had a plan to find each other on the night and take a photo of the moment when the two of us met. There was talk of not being #crazy or #alittlebitcrazy . I just call it #shoelove. 

On the morning of the party I got word from Speedy Asics that she tried to complete the quest early by tracking down the Huggies sign and meeting Lizzy before EVEN HAVING EITHER OF US THERE!....breathe...breathe...breathe....

...but thankfully Lizzy's runners must've also been aware that this was a possibility and took her on a run and thus the early meeting was unsuccessful. #phew #good #servesyourightVikki #notnarkyatall #:P

We had such a fabulous night at the party but about 3/4 of the way into it I prompted her to leave her non-12wbt guest and go and find RMK Jac AKA Lizzy and complete her quest. 

After one quick chat with SuperDorothy, some admiring glances and a few 
"Are you She HasCuteShoes?" got a bit blurry after that.....I think....

She looked down and her eyes connected with purple, red, aqua...a fabulous set of pins....and a stunning girl with dimples holding her phone...

...just as HER phone buzzed in her hand....and the dimpled, long legged, stunner squeeled "I just sent you a tweet!".... 

...Vikki looked down at her phone and saw a message that said "Where are you?"....

RMK Jac AKA Lizzy! 

....They hugged and chatted & met properly.....

...RMK Jac AKA Lizzy whipped out her phone and took the BEST photo of the two of us!

Quest complete!

xBlue Kosheen

So that was the tale of when Lizzy met Vikki. She also has a great blog here. I really encourage you to have a read of it. She's another one that I would pin to my Pinterest board if I could.  See what saying random things on Twitter can do. All sorts of adventures....all sorts #grin.

Weekend Adventure - Part 1 - Shoes! Bikinis! Zebras! Oh my!

So much shoe love that was going on in the lead up to the 12 Week Body Transformation end of Round 3 party night...I may have encouraged a tiny portion of it but I promise you there was an enormous amount of shoe love already happening!

You may remember my stunning #Twitter friend - is it odd that I call people on Twitter friends now? ;) -  who started my #ShoeFairy frivolity for the week off by wondering what shoes to wear with her gorgeous dress. Check out the post Dreaming of Coral Colours if  you have no idea what I'm talking about ;)

She chose the most perfect shade of Nude shoes I've seen in a while. She looked absolutely stunning and she can rock a red carpet pose like nothing I've ever seen! 

I am requesting lessons. ;)

Being a party things to celebrate the acheivements made during the past twelve weeks of conquering nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, fitness and made as commitments at the beginning of the Round some party..shall we say...hard...and in Bikinis. And look amazingly good doing so!

Oh...what shoes is she wearing? These fabulous ones on the left..wait..what? You didn't notice them in the picture above? Really? :P

Do you remember my post a while back about my how Dorothy could only pull off a red heel? And if you've been following me on Pinterest you would have seen those red sequined heels with the little white daisy - yes? Red Ruby Shoe Love! 

Well one of my new favourite people ( yes I have lots of new favourite people after these 12 weeks and this past weekend! ) just rocked these little gems of fabulousness! She's SuperDorothy ;)

So what's black and white and red.....well not all over but is that a red insole I spy in these super cute shoes?

...and with shoes this fabulous of course everyone's poor tired, post Mish Bridges workout - see my SuperSizetoFunSize post ( coming soon...ish ! ) for that one! - need a bit of sweet, sweet comfort.....

Come back tomorrow for Part 2. A tale of a surprise inclusion of a ShoeFairy  into a TwitterFamily and what happened when RMK Jac met Kosheen Blue or AKA when Lizzy met Vikki ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend Adventure - Preview

Just one photo. The shoe and the clutch. 

Accessory happiness. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend Adventure - RIP Rykas

Before the race.....

My faithful Rykas have gone to Shoe Heaven - yes I do believe there is such a place and please do not inform me otherwise.  :p

You can read about my Weekend Adventure participating in a Mud Run event at my weight loss and fitness blog here in a few days but I thought I'd put up a few photos - because after all it was a Shoe Adventure. 

As scary as it was to start and truthfully some of the obstacles were a little "Gah" worthy it was one of the most fun things I have ever done. I was asked a fair bit yesterday just one little word.....


And my answer?

"I wanted to see if I could. And it turned out to be a lot of fun!"

Have you ever done something that has pushed you right out of your comfort zone and it's turned out to be one of the most fun things you've done? Leave me a comment below and tell me about it. Or if you want to just comment on my muddy complexion - well you can do that too! 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Shoe Fairy - Golden Leopard Print Love

The Brief : Dress to impress

Willing to spend : Up to $160 

Particulars :  3" heel height or less is good. Thick heels are better. Gravitate towards reds and greens. Would love a pair of leopard print heels but not too high or peep toes. 

The #shoefairy said : " It's not easy finding heels with less than an 8cm height so some of these are up to 10cm. The green Mollini's and the Red Betts have platforms so that will give you some stability and support while giving you that extra heel height.  I know that you might not be into peep toes but I couldn't resist adding the green Mollini's because the colour is just divine! Hope you find some inspiration here. Let me know how you go ! "

RIP Rykas - well tomorrow anyway

Tomorrow my old faithful Rykas are going to be sacrificed to The Mud. 

I'm doing a 6km Mud Rud where apparently we will wade, run and crawl through random obstacles that involve a lot of the stuff and have been advised to wear clothes and shoes we no longer want. 

So I can think of no other fitting way to say goodbye to these old walking shoes by taking them on a run.

And after it's all done Mary and The Boy from Beyond Jelly and I are going out for Thai for dinner. Hurrah!

Looking forward to a great weekend!