Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weekend Adventure - Part Two - Quest Complete!

Over the course of the past twelve weeks I have slowly built up a rapport with a number of really lovely girls/women/chickies/gals/insert your preferred female equivalent word [here]  who were also doing 12WBT. 

Of course a lot of the talk started off around shoes and what we were doing on the program but then as things do there was a lot of unconditional support and encouragement that was given very quickly and unreservedly when I allowed myself to post a more transparent 140 character snippet of my thought life. 

In a lot of ways I'm used to that from my family, close friends &  Christian sisters ( and brothers ) in my real world but to also have it from these virtual strangers on Twitter and also in a Facebook group that had been seeded from the forums - it humbled & also made me smile every time I thought about it. 

Another unexpected value was the fact that some of these twitter friends or who were acquaintences who I corresponded with on Twitter became people I would consider real life friends or on-our-way to becoming real life friends. Part of it is because we have experienced this thing together - not necesarily at the same time - but also because sometimes you have no choice but to be real when you only have a limited amount of characters to do so. There is no space to be passive aggressive or enigmatic - you'll just get ignored. ;)

So a lot of the #shoelove talk began on Twitter about the Finale party and what shoes everyone was wearing. Of course I was Mrs Mangel interested and wanted everyone to wear the shoes that I couldn't wear myself - it didn't matter if they didn't end up wearing them. I just wanted them to "Oooh" and "Ahhh" over them like I did. #weird #yup

I love this #twitterfam shot I was included in. And we seem to all have fabulous taste in shoes ;)  

So now the tale you've all been waiting for. When RMK Jac met Blue Kosheens

I'll let Blue Kosheen's tell you their story. After all it's what they do best ;)

"As you know I chose Vikki after reading her tweets and got the company to follower her so that she would find me, like I knew she would. I didn't quite expect her to take as long as she did to buy me but I'm not a shoe for just anyone. I'm an old fashioned type of shoe despite my Brazilian flirtatiousness - one must go on a series of quests when I am in their life. 

Vikki had to go on such one to find me all the way in Western Australia, to find the correct size and to learn how to walk in me up and down stairs. I'm not quite sure we've mastered that yet just between you and me.....

One would think that quests would be over once the purchase was made -  but no. I had something lined up for her Finale Party night to make things that little more intriguing. 

She had a particular #twitterbuddy who had heard the call and on her feet that night were going to be the amazingly striking RMK Jac. Shoes to be "Oooh" and "Ahhh'"ed over. Which is what Vikki did. And that gave me the idea that Jac and I needed to meet at the party. 

The quest was set. Vikki and Lizzy had a plan to find each other on the night and take a photo of the moment when the two of us met. There was talk of not being #crazy or #alittlebitcrazy . I just call it #shoelove. 

On the morning of the party I got word from Speedy Asics that she tried to complete the quest early by tracking down the Huggies sign and meeting Lizzy before EVEN HAVING EITHER OF US THERE!....breathe...breathe...breathe....

...but thankfully Lizzy's runners must've also been aware that this was a possibility and took her on a run and thus the early meeting was unsuccessful. #phew #good #servesyourightVikki #notnarkyatall #:P

We had such a fabulous night at the party but about 3/4 of the way into it I prompted her to leave her non-12wbt guest and go and find RMK Jac AKA Lizzy and complete her quest. 

After one quick chat with SuperDorothy, some admiring glances and a few 
"Are you She HasCuteShoes?" got a bit blurry after that.....I think....

She looked down and her eyes connected with purple, red, aqua...a fabulous set of pins....and a stunning girl with dimples holding her phone...

...just as HER phone buzzed in her hand....and the dimpled, long legged, stunner squeeled "I just sent you a tweet!".... 

...Vikki looked down at her phone and saw a message that said "Where are you?"....

RMK Jac AKA Lizzy! 

....They hugged and chatted & met properly.....

...RMK Jac AKA Lizzy whipped out her phone and took the BEST photo of the two of us!

Quest complete!

xBlue Kosheen

So that was the tale of when Lizzy met Vikki. She also has a great blog here. I really encourage you to have a read of it. She's another one that I would pin to my Pinterest board if I could.  See what saying random things on Twitter can do. All sorts of adventures....all sorts #grin.

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