Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekend Adventure - Birthday Celebrations! And an almost new arrival!

Firstly - I bought myself a fabulous birthday present!

Yes it's shoes. 

And they are on their way from Western Australia. 

When they arrive I will tell you the story about how they found me via Twitter but for now I leave you with some photos of my fabulous birthday weekend. Jakarta Metallic Green Thongs were the shoe of the day because it was stinking hot here. As usual. ;)

Here are just some photo highlights. 

Cake at work on Friday.
Lovely flowers from workmates

A Wii bit of dancing at the WROK Camp picnic day

Lychee Fruit Drink. Perfect!

Hot and Sour Seafood Vermicelli - Oh.My.Yum!

Yes I consumed with glee fried ice cream. Worth every mouthful. 

Fairylights in the trees

Barramundi for lunch today

A fabulous shoe calendar from my bro and almost sister in law

I blogged about this lovely lamp at

Babuska all lit up


  1. Mm, fried ice cream. I had some fried cheesecake at a restaurant a week or two ago. I'm pretty sure I could actually feel myself gaining weight as I ate it, but it was so delicious!

  2. Glad to pop over here. Love the green shoes. :)

  3. Yayyyyyyyyy for unveilings :))) Thanks for sending me your link, I'm so happy to find your Cute Shoes space here in bloggerland. Love love! These b-day photos are great. It looks like you enjoyed a lot of yummy food for your special day. That counts for a lot. In my book anyways.

    I hope and pray this year ahead will be better than any previous year, that GOD will reveal himself to you in deeper ways than ever before, and for you to continuously be moving in the right direction that God has for you that will be fulfilling and bring you every happiness. Blessings on you girly! Happy Belated Birthday :)

  4. Michelle - I love those shoes too. :)

    Jeanine - *wipes a tear from my eye first* Lovely. And I'm so glad to have you guys here too. :)

