Saturday, November 5, 2011

Weekend Adventure - Fun Runs & Beach Picnics

Yesterday I did a 4km fun run with Speedy Asics, caught my breath and headed about an hour down the coast ( a little late ) for a surprise birthday picnic for the most gorgeous, bravest, loveliest 23 year old I know. :)

I really should have taken pictures to show you but I did remember to take one quick car photo with my beach hat before I left. 

If I'm looking a little pale it may be the lighting as it was a very warm, sunny day here in Sydney and down the South Coast but also because I haven't as yet learned to hydrate properly before, during and after fun runs and to stay out of the sun.....and you can probably guess what happened next.

Yes. A whopper of a migraine awaited me that afternoon. One where I had a Nanna Nap. Driving home was a little insane but as soon as I got home I popped some lovely migraine zappers and slept from 5.30pm to....



I know!

Dinner at 2am is fun!

Despite this I was still able to go back to sleep at about 3.30am and get up for Church at around 7.30am. 

Grey Kmart thongs and I had a really, really nice day at the picnic. We enjoyed just hanging out, chatting, talking birthday parties with Little Miss R and the eeville-ness of bluebottles with Master S. 

Lots of weekend adventures to come as November & December are going to be chock full of them!

I also managed to get a few cans of Cherry Coke Zero which is an import here in Sydney so I'm just kicking back this Sunday afternoon just watching TV after making some homemade Sashimi with Sushi rice & Nori with my Cherry Coke Zero and some Strawberry Sorbet.

Pity tomorrow is Monday. I could live this weekend again! :)


  1. Sounds like great fun! Glad the migraine didn't stick around!! xx

  2. @Jen - It was! And I'm glad too. :)

    @SydneyGen - Thanks! Love your latest post by the way! :)

